Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I did not quite 3 miles today, a slower pace, but I went for 35 minutes total.  It was easier since I remembered to bring my iPod.  And by iPod I mean my iPhone with headphones.  You'd think that would be easy enough to remember, but apparently not.  I think it has something to do with the whole email on my phone thing.  I'm subconsciously trying to avoid the email.  Once I figured that out, I decided that I will revert to my old iPod for the gym, thus solving that problem. 

But, since I was rockin' out to some tunes, something else popped out at me.  I had the music on shuffle.  One of the songs that came on near the end of my 35 minutes was "She" by Green Day.  I have always loved that song, ever since the Dookie album came out.  And I know all the words.  But today, I really listened to them.  Man, I love it when my favorite songs turn out to be relevant to my everyday life. 

She's figured out
All her doubts were someone else's point of view
Waking up this time
To smash the silence with the brick of self-control

SO TRUE!!  I can do whatever the hell I want to.  I've proven it over and over again, and yet failed to see it.  I left home and moved to Philadelphia.  That was hard.  Then, I left home and moved to Atlanta.  That was really hard.  I overcame a paralyzing fear of flying, to do the job I've wanted to do since college.  Yet none of those things really ever registered as major life accomplishments.  They were just things I had to do...but you know what?  Those were some pretty major decisions that I made, and I am going to take credit for them.  I took risks to get what I want.  I did hard things.  And I am still doing hard things.  I'm maybe not taking as many risks, but that will come.

Yay for self-awareness.  And that was a pretty good way to end the day, since the rest of it basically kicked my ass.  Jackie would probably not use the word "ass".  Look, I can't just transform overnight, ok?  Jeez, give a girl a break. 

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