Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Even If It Breaks Your Heart.

About two months ago, I looked up from my life, on a day that was no different than any other and realized (much like when you are 15) that I had a crush on someone.  A total school girl, change-the-route-you-take-to-chemistry-class crush.  I can’t even tell you the last time that happened to me.  It was so out of the blue, and EXACTLY like high school, it knocked me off my feet.
I spent about a month obsessing over it.  I spent about a week trying to do something about it.  Then I spent a day…let’s call it “gathering information” (sounds less psycho that internet stalking).  I spend about 10 minutes determining there was too much potential drama involved for it to be worth it.
I spent the next week or so getting the butterflies any time I might happen to cross paths (which happened a little less frequently after I stopped “accidentally” running in to him), but all the while reminding myself of the myriad of reasons I should avoid it.  And I got to about 80% over it.
Then, yesterday, I looked up from my otherwise normal day, and realized (much like when I was 15) I still had this impossible crush!!!  I just can’t shake it.  I know it’s bad for me.  I know there’s probably nothing there anyway.  I just can NOT let it go!  I don’t WANT to let it go.  I melt!  What’s a girl to do?

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