Friday, October 25, 2013

An Open Letter To My House

Dear House,

We’ve had some good times; we’ve had some not so good times.  In the beginning, I think we both tried really hard to get along.  I did my best to move my stuff into the space you were providing.  You appeared comfortable and clean.  It didn’t take long for things to break down on my end.  I quickly ran out of rooms, and left several boxes unpacked in the dining room.  It stayed that way for months.  I finally tried to unload those last few boxes, but I fear by then, the damage was done.

You see, in the time that I left the boxes unpacked, I started to see things I hadn’t seen before, when we were just talking about coming together.  Your kitchen is very small.  So small I can’t fit a microwave in it.  Your living room is dark.  I know, I know…you are saying, “But I have that fantastic sunroom!”  This is true…there is the sunroom.  But let’s be honest.  The French doors into the sunroom are really taking up more space than they are worth.  Eventually I gave up.  I admit it.   I’m the one who gave up on our relationship.  I let things get out of hand, and how could you be responsible?  Papers in piles everywhere, shoes in every room…let’s not even discuss the infrequency of my vacuuming. 

Over time, I’ve made halfhearted attempts to pick things up again and regain your trust.  It hasn’t been enough.  I realize now that we are in this together.  We have a committed relationship, you and I.  At least until May 21st, 2014.  And with that in mind, I am going to make the following vows to you, so that we can both be proud to be seen in public together again.
1.       I resolve to finally clean out the sunroom.  I will get rid of the papers I don’t need, organize the ones I do, and make the rest of that space a fun place to read or knit, or whatever.  I WILL THROW THINGS AWAY.
2.       I will pay more attention to the closet in the front hall.  While I have my doubts about throwing away the box the TV came in, I’ve been counseled against keeping it.  I do feel the need to keep the Christmas tree and its box, although I will agree to search for a better storage solution for that.  Perhaps a nice shoe rack in there would make you smile?
3.       The living room…well, I’m afraid the living room is a bit of a challenge at the moment.  I will do a better job of exposing the furnishings and keeping them free of dust and cat hair, but there’s not much I can do about the general condition of the couch at this time.  It will continue to be a saggy, dingy mess.  At least for a while.
4.       You know as well as I do what comes next.  I think this is one of our biggest areas of conflict.  The kitchen.  I promise to stop complaining about how small it is (I should love you for you, right?) and make better use of the space you do offer me.  This will involve things like running the dishwasher nearly every day, wiping down the counters, and organizing the cabinets so that everything fits neatly inside.  I’ll go back to keeping the cat dishes in the dining room, to make more space.  I will commit to emptying the trash every other day, or every third day at most. 
5.       Let’s talk about the bedroom.  I know you want a headboard.  I know you do, and I’d love to give that to you.  But for now please understand, it can’t happen.  To try to make up for that, I promise to make the bed every day and even put the big fluffy pillows up there.  When I do that, it gives the allusion of a headboard.  That’s compromise, right?  Whatever is in the Rubbermaid bins will be donated or tossed.  I hear you when you say if I haven’t needed it yet, I’m not going to need it.  In place of the bins, I will substitute hampers, which I will utilize, daily.  Laundry will not be allowed to take over.  I will control it.  I know it’s my responsibility, as I wanted the clothes, not you.  It’s not fair for you to suffer as a result.
6.       The last room, the bathroom, hasn’t really been a major problem for us.  I could do a better job of wiping down the mirror now and then, and I can definitely clean out the drawers.  Our main issue is that laundry sneaks out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.  This must stop.

Please understand that I want us to be successful.  Things didn’t go bad overnight, and they won’t magically get better overnight.  But I am making the commitment now, here in front of God and everyone, to do better.  You deserve it, and so do I.

Your roomie-


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