Have you ever been walking around, minding your own business, having what could actually be a pretty good day, and then POW! One sentence ruins it all? That just happened to me. And now I actually feel stupid. And confused. And embarrassed. But mostly stupid. What made me think that I could be anything other than what I already am? Oh sure, I can maybe amp up who and what I am…wear nicer clothes, spend time on my hair and make up, even exercise. But I will never be the girl with the clean car, and the perfect mani/pedi, and the bed that’s made every day. I will never be “serene” or “demure”. Actually, it’s unlikely I will ever pass for a “lady”. I will never have a nice nest egg, I will never be wearing matching bra and underwear. I AM NOT JACKIE. I am nothing like Jackie. Pretending to be, or trying to be doesn’t change anything. It gives you a false sense of self. It makes you think you can be someone you aren’t. It’s exhausting.
I think that maybe this is as good as it gets. And don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with things the way they are. I am strong and capable. I can support myself. I have some friends, many close friends that are far away, and a few friends here in Georgia. I am healthy, for the most part. So maybe wanting more is being selfish. I am so blessed in so many ways. Maybe wanting more is just asking too much. Maybe thinking you can have more, have everything you want, is unreasonable.
I’m afraid that if I don’t accept my lot in life, I will become bitter, or disappointed. At what point do you just stop and say…”I have enough. I have plenty.”? When do you say…”You can no longer let me down, because I don’t expect anything from you.”?
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