Thursday, March 8, 2012

Phase One: Just the Beginning

So as it turns out, the first month has all really only been Phase One.  Preparation.  Gathering Underpants, in the words of South Park.  Today was weigh in day.  I have lost about 3 pounds.  The catch is, my body fat percentage actually went UP.  Seriously?  As it turns out, exercising is good, but I am eating all wrong.  Not just WHAT I eat, but how and when I eat it.  I need to up the lean protein after my workouts, and limit sodium all around.  And of course, up the frequency and intensity of the workouts.  Great.  But I Am. Not. Giving. Up.  Yet. 

My goals for the next month are to lose four pounds, and go 1% lower body fat than when I started.  I also have to aim to work off at LEAST 1500 calories per week.  I am just over 1,100 for the week, so tomorrow I have to do at least 400.  The good news is that I actually did 3 miles today, 2 of which averaged 13 minutes.  Yay me!

Overall, I'm still in good spirits, because even if the numbers don't show it yet, I must be healthier than a month ago.  And this will all come.  So now I have to work on reducing/eliminating processed foods, and preparing fresh meals.  And eating several small meals throughout the day.  All the while, working, finding an apartment, sweat.

Bring it.

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