My life has become an endless list. Running through my mind are the things I need to remember to do to make this workout thing effective. Pack healthy meals and snacks to make sure I eat every few hours. Sounds like it should be easy. Remember to eat a snack about an hour before working out. Eat some lean protein within an hour after working out. Do cardio immediately after strength training. Work off at least 1500 calories per week. increase intensity level of cardio to 7 by the end of March. Sometimes I think being fat and out of shape might be the way to go. Sure, I'll probably keel over from a heart attack at 37 given my family history (dad had heart attack & quad bypass at 39, cardiac arrest at 45. Grandfather on both sides dead of heart attacks, paternal in his 40's, maternal in his 50's), but I'll have enjoyed my time right?
Truth is, no matter how much I HATE working out (and I do HATE it), I wasn't really enjoying my time all that much. Sure, I was eating food that tasted DELICIOUS, watching all my favorite TV shows, sleeping in on Saturdays. So I guess the new schedule, getting home later, and not watching any TV, and setting reminders on my calendar to MIGHT be worth it. Ask me in a month.
I was reading another blog today, and she was suggesting that it's important to have a dream...even if it seems completely unlikely. The purpose of the dream is to give you something to reach for. And to let you know when you are starting to get there. I think that is actually pretty wise. If you ask my mom, she might tell you that I often say that when I was little, I had a very difficult time envisioning my life as an adult. I really never quite had a vision for myself past my teens. And even as I have begun LIVING my adult life, I've really been just getting through it. On a journey to....nothing. So I figure, it's about time that I decided what my dreams are. Set some real, adult goals for myself. Some will probably never be realized (like owning a yacht), but some will (like owning a home). I'm pretty excited about this. I'll be sure to keep you updated as I determine what these dreams are.
Off to eat some hard boiled eggs. And chicken. Yum.
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