Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Juice Fast...Seriously?

Alright, day two.  Aside from a killer headache, I feel inspired.  I just watched a documentary on Netflix called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  Starts out as a story about a 41 year old guy from Australia who does a 60 day juice fast in an attempt to control a medical condition and lose some weight.  Along the way, he is traveling the US and just meeting people...and he meets a truck driver at a truck stop.  He offers this guy some tips, and gives him his phone number and stuff, if the truck driver wants to learn more.  Well, time passes, and out of nowhere this truck driver calls the Aussie, and asks for help.  And it's a cry for help as if he were shooting heroin.  The guy is in BAD shape.  429 pounds, totally sedentary, only eats fried stuff....Does a 10 day juice fast, and feels so good he continues for 30 days.  Feels so good after that, he moves on to 60 days.  After 60 days, he has begun exercising regularly, quit his truck driving gig, and eating right.  Ten months later he has lost 202 pounds.  Two Hundred freakin pounds.  Where do I sign?

The idea of a juice fast would have caused me to laugh my ass off three months ago.  My dear friend Camilla (who I am pretty sure has made getting me healthy and happy her 2012 pet project) gave me the gift of a subscription to Whole Living magazine for my birthday.  And what was on the cover of the January edition?  A juice fast.  And I looked at the juice on the cover and thought, that looks DELICIOUS.  Then I read the article and thought...."I would totally die".  But now, I am thinking....how bad could it really be?  As I sit here writing this, my head is pounding, I am really thirsty, and I wonder if I had had a big glass of micro nutrient filled juice for dinner, would my headache be any WORSE?  I highly doubt it.  So I am entertaining this idea.  I am not sold yet (mostly because of the prohibitive cost of juicers), but I am thinking hard about it.

By the end of the week, my goals are thus:
  • Hire a trainer
  • Make a "bucket list" of things I want to accomplish before turning 40
  • Photograph the chaos of my life for all of you, so you can watch my progress
  • Try to realistically consider downsizing to a one bedroom apartment
  • Fold this mountain of laundry:

  • Yes, that is a real pile of clean, albeit it wrinkled, laundry.  *sigh*  Forget the juicer, I'm hiring a maid.

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