So, over the past few months, I've been doing a lot of thinking. As of this writing, I am 33 years old, single, overweight, and a homebody. Those things in and of themselves do not necessarily define me, however I have let them become the first things I think of when describe myself. When I look in the mirror, I don't really recognize myself. Add those things to a family history of serious heart disease (my father had his first heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery at 39), and I decided maybe it's time to make some changes.
I've been toying with making big life changes since maybe November...and I've dabbled in some areas outside my comfort zone to see if I was really ready. I've visited with an image consultant. I've had a haircut. I've joined a gym, and taken an aqua aerobics class and met with a personal trainer. I've gone out to some new social spots. I've researched some financial make over ideas. I've made some lists about ways to organize my home. So's time to put all these things together and take the plunge. Here's how it all came together in my mind....
I spent some talking to my mom last night about this grand plan. She is truly my biggest cheerleader. I was feeling pretty good about making changes, hiring a personal trainer, making an investment in myself. Earlier in the evening I had stopped at Kroger to grab a few things for my lunch this week, and while I was waiting in line, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror behind the service desk. Two words: Muffin Top. Apparently, the weight gain has officially caused me to outgrow my bras. If there are any dudes reading this, well....sorry, but this is where it all really began. After I hung up with my mom, I started browsing some web sites for new bras. And I flashed back to a book I read a few years ago (and recently re-read) called What Would Jackie Do. It was a sort of how-to manual; a guide to living the way Jackie O might advise you to live. In it, the author claimed that Jackie would NEVER consider wearing a bra and panties (I hate the word panties!) that didn't match. If we're being honest here, the only time my bra and underwear (better...) match are if they both happen to be white. By coincidence, not design. And it hit me. Make these life changes. And write about it. The Jackie project was born.
People who know me well know that I've often said I'd like to write a book, but I never really had any idea what I might write about. Those same people might also tell you how ANGRY I was after reading the Julie and Julia book. I was pissed, because this girl has a quarter life crisis, and started a silly project, and blogged about it, and then made bazillions of dollars having stupid people like me not only read the freakin' book, but WATCH THE MOVIE as well. Ugh. And all along I've said "if she can do it, I can do it". OK, maybe what I write about here won't become a best seller. And I seriously doubt anyone will make a movie about this journey. But maybe you all (who are probably mostly my friends and family, or else random Internet people who Google-searched some bizarre combination of words contained within this post) will find it entertaining. We'll see.
What I can promise is this: absolute honesty. I plan to document the process in the most brutally honest way possible. Otherwise, what's the point? So for today, that is all. Tomorrow is another day...
As Jackie (and my good friend Camilla) would say....Ciao!
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