I'm making resolutions. I typically do, and I never follow though with them, but I'm making different types of resolutions this year. I'm hoping that these more insightful, broad-stroke resolutions are not only more achievable, but more inspiring than my typical ones. Being that "This is the Year". the year of the Unicorn no less, I am really focused on making good decisions, and positive life changes.
Challenge Number One: Getting (and staying) Fit.
I started this last year, actually without a whole lot of thought. I just one day decided to join the gym. And then I had a free training session, and felt so bad after it was over, I realized I had no choice. Last year, I lost about 25 pounds (30, but gained five back during the Holidays...) without doing really anything different EXCEPT working out. I didn't change the way I eat at all, and I really didn't even break my back with the workouts either. Once or twice a week with the trainer, and most of the time, that was it. If we're being honest, I probably drank more beer last year than I ever have in my life. So, it should be easy to kick that up a level. Smarter decisions about what I eat (so long, Papa John's pizza night), a few extra workouts a week (hello, showering at the gym every morning *yuk*) and I should be able to reach my overall weight loss goal this year for sure. When I do, no one can take that away from me but me.
Challenge Number Two: Money Management
I wanted to do this last year, and I made some changes in order to do so, but I really need to kick this into high gear. Setting and keeping a budget, saving as much as possible, cleaning up my credit report are essential, because I want to own my own place. Nothing would make me more proud than to be able to say I bought my own house, with no help from anyone else. This will require DAILY attention to the little details, and serious discipline for me. Maybe even a harder task than the getting and staying fit challenge. I'm going to try though.
Challenge Number Three: Focus and Dedication (at work and at home)
I tend to get lazy. Very lazy, very easily. I have a new client, so fresh focus and dedication along with excitement in general will bring zest back into my work life. I need to create a laser like focus to make sure I am at my best. At home, I let things slide...dishes in the sink, laundry in the hamper...clutter on the dining room table. This can no longer continue.
If there is something that I learned last year, it's that relying on someone else to provide you with your happiness. Taking care of your body, your financial life, your space, is not only rewarding, and it build character. Would I love to have a wealthy man in my life, so I could have a nicer house, a nicer car, an easier time paying bills? Sure. The truth though is that having someone else supply those things for you takes away your self confidence. I want to be able to say "I lost the weight." "I bought this house." "I aced that event." Maybe not everyone needs that validation, to know they can do it by themselves. Maybe some people get validation from other people. I'm not going to judge. I just know that for me, I'd rather know that if everything went to shit, and I were left all alone in this world, I could survive, and even thrive.
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