Thursday, December 7, 2017

Progress Report

Words that literally give me a knot in the pit of my stomach, as I associate them with midway updates sent home to my mom during the school year.  These were never good for me, because I am a notorious underachiever, and so a progress report only served to remind me and my mom that I was definitely NOT living up to my potential.  Anyway, I digress.

Now that I’ve discussed the main idea of my 40 before 40, and posted the actual list, let’s review where I am so far, shall we?  Don’t get too excited, I’m not about to go ham all over the list with a red pen and achieve greatness (see above reference to my tendency to under reach) in one post…these things take time, OK?  Simmer down.

As I mentioned in my last post, Steve helped me divide the 40 goals into four groups, with each group representing a chunk of time.  Some of my goals are season or date specific (#16 – Rockefeller Center Tree would be tough to see in say, June…) so having an organized idea of what I start now vs. what needs to wait (#20 – My dad doesn’t ice fish.  Thankfully!).  Here are the 14 goals that I can be working on now:

1. Lose 40 Pounds
3. Shoot a gun
5. Save $5,000
8. Plant a garden
14. Read a “Classic”
15. Spend a day with my grandma
17. Finish a craft project
19. Pay off credit card debt
21. Get a good haircut and color
28. Try a new church
29. Cook (and eat) a fish dinner
30. Keep an orchid or violet alive
38. Take Murphy to the dog park
39. Keep a journal

Here are some updates on where I stand so far:

1.Lose 40 lbs

A few years back I had some reasonable success with weight loss using a combination of gym workouts with a personal trainer and Weight Watchers.  All told, I lost about 35 pounds in about a year.  Don’t panic, I found it again.  Plus I found about 10 more just to keep things interesting.  So…I went to a weight watchers meeting a few weeks back.  That was fun.  I weighed in, saw some familiar faces…then never did a single thing I’m supposed to do.  Then I thought I’d try a new approach and I signed up for Noom, which is an online weight loss program.  I used the app for about three days before I decided that it wasn’t really telling me anything I didn’t already know.  Back to Weight Watchers I went. 

In the first two weeks of actually making at least a half hearted attempt to following the plan, I lost 2.6 pounds.  The third week I went on a business trip and gained one of those back.  Still, I know this is a plan I can do with moderate success if I apply myself, and they’ve made some changes to the plan in the last week which might make it a little more flexible for a picky eater such as myself.  I’m optimistic.  As long as I keep going to meetings and focus on making better choices at least most of the time, I know I will see results.  Slow results, but results nonetheless.

5.Save $5,000

This goal is mixed in with a bunch of larger life plans…namely “Own Property”.  I want to try to buy a house at some point, whether that be a primary residence here in Pittsburgh, or a vacation condo…not sure yet, but no matter what, I need a down payment in order to do that.  So, in order to get rolling on this, I set up my direct deposit to automatically send a “mortgage payment” into my interest bearing savings account.  This has two benefits:  I gets me used to living on my income MINUS my approximate anticipated mortgage payment, and allows me to save that money as a down payment.  I’m lucky because I live with my cousin, and my rent is cheap.  So, I subtract my rent from my anticipated mortgage payment, and automatically send the difference into that savings account.  After a few months, I will be able to tell if this is a comfortable and realistic mortgage payment goal, and also how much house I can afford based on that.  I am a smart man.  Actually, the financial advisor I spoke to is a smart man.

33.Go on a Picnic

I know, I know, I’m cheating.  Number 33 was actually listed under fall, spring and summer.  With a question mark next to it.  As it happens, I sort of crossed this one off the list inadvertently, but hey…it’s still done.  Last month, I was on a business trip to Washington, DC.  DC happens to be one of my favorite cities.  I always feel like it’s easy to navigate, I love the history, and I just love the vibe.  So, when it looked like I was going to have at least one afternoon “off”, meaning I could leave the convention center for awhile, I debated going to one of the many museums or galleries.  Since it was late October, and a beautiful day, I ultimately decided to grab some snacks and my Nook and head for the Mall.  Not the mall-mall, but the National Mall.  I spread my jacket out on the grass, stretched out and read my book while I munched on some (not altogether WW friendly) delicious olives, cheese and bread.  I hung around until the sun went down enough that it got chilly, and then I headed back to my hotel.  It was only later that I realized this was technically a picnic!  Score one for me and the list!

3.Shoot a Gun

Turns out, while there are indoor shooting ranges, I don't know anyone who is a member of one.  As such this is now going to be reallocated to a spring time activity.  See, I can swap "picnic" for "target practice".  Almost the same thing, right?

8.Plant a Garden

I had big plans to order some fall bulbs and plant them so they'd bloom in spring.  By the time I got around to ordering the bulbs I wanted, they were sold out (see: Sara is a Procrastinator, chapter...every singe chapter).  So.  This too shall be relegated to a spring garden.  Looks like I have a busy spring ahead of me.

30.Keep and Orchid or Violet Alive

I have a long history of struggling with orchids.  I think they are beautiful.  I buy them, and enjoy them, and then the blooms fall off.  And I know that if you continue to feed and water them, they will bloom again.  I know this because all the websites say so.  Also, because my grandma is able to make this happen regularly with her large collection of orchids.  I can't seem to ever get them to bloom a second time.  So now in my head, it's like a direct challenge to my ability to nurture something.  I feel like I have to do it to prove that I am a good solid human being.  But the damn things just don't cooperate!

My mom used to have a little African violet on the kitchen windowsill.  For years, she faithfully watered it and cared for it, and it survived.  Once or twice, it would get a little weird, and look like it was about to go south, and she would doggedly keep it going.  She had some kind of superstition about it's health and life being somehow indicative of my dad's health...but that's a story for another day.  All I know is that if she were going to be gone for any length of time, I had better not let that violet die on my watch.  It's dead now...and I'm not sure when exactly it finally gave up the ghost, but I thought maybe a violet might be more realistic than an orchid for my challenge.  Turns out, I really don't like them.  So...back on the orchid bus.  BUT, in the meantime, until I purchase one (again, P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-O-R) I have successfully kept this little guy alive.  Not only haven't I killed it, but he has actually grown from the two leaves on the original cutting given to me by Steve, to the healthy six leaves you see here.  Progress!

39.Keep a Journal

This blog is acting as my journal, and since this is only the second official entry, I'd say it's not going well.  But, I intend to write more often, even if not every entry is specific to the list.  After all, the original intent of the blog was to journal about living a more purposeful and crafted life, which definitely extends beyond the 40B440 list.  As a matter of fact, I was about to start an entry about something completely unrelated when I saw that I had started this post and not finished it.  So.  Now it's finished, and I can move on to the next thing!  Which, let's be honest, is probably going to be lunch.

Monday, November 13, 2017

40 Before 40

When I created this blog, a billion and one years ago, I was looking for a way to remind myself daily of my inspiration to lead a more elegant and “put together” life.  Jackie was my inspiration for that.  I read a book called “What Would Jackie Do”…and learned a lot about inspired living, and what it means to create a daily reality for yourself.  Over the past few years, I’ve abandoned that goal and this site.  In September, I turned 39.  I’ve been mentally prepping myself to turn 40 for a while now, but when I actually hit 39….something clicked.  I finally realized, these are the last 12 months of my thirties.  I’m not having some kind of existential midlife crisis about turning 40…it’s more like I’ve made so many huge life changes in the past nine years…that I’ve forgotten or ignored some of the things that are ingredients in an inspired life, a life lived well.  So, on the eve of my 39th birthday, I had a crazy idea to make a list of 40 things I’d like to accomplish before I turn 40.

It seems like an innocent enough idea…40 things.  Not all of them have to be Earth shatteringly poignant.  Just a simple list of 40 things to be conscious of during the next year.  So I wrote a list.  It looks like this:

It’s no secret that I regularly meet with a counselor/therapist.  His name is Steve, and he is fantastic and has really helped me change the way I think about myself and deal with my emotions in a more productive and understanding way.  I knew as soon as I started jotting down the list that this project was something he would fully get behind.  So the nest time I met with him, I laid out the idea.  As expected, he was all in.  We took a closer look at the list together, and began to carve out some of the details I was missing, and also to consider one important thing that I had sort of overlooked.  There were FORTY items on this list.  A year has 52 weeks.  Some of my items were somewhat time specific, and some would take more than one day to complete.  So with Steve prompting me, I looked at the list and broke it down into a loose schedule, starting with things I can do now (Fall), Winter, Spring and Summer of next year.

I took the list home and looked at it some more.  In one day, my cool fun idea had gone from concept to reality.  It had also gone from fun to a little bit stressful, if I’m being honest.  It was an ambitious project to begin with, and now the reality of the commitment necessary to complete it was starting to hit me.  Added to the fact that I was in the middle of the busiest chunk of time so far in my career, I was ready to quit before I even started.

The next few weeks were a blur, mostly because I was working 12+ hours a day, and traveling on top of that.  The list stayed tucked into my planner.  I thought about it at times, but…I was already feeling desperate and overwhelmed with my workload.  Adding in extra tasks, even tasks that look to be fun or fulfilling, just wasn’t going to happen.

October whizzed past, and then it was November.  I had made a half-hearted attempt to start some of the items on the list that would take more time to complete, but nothing measurable.  Steve, to his credit, kept his end of the bargain as my credibility partner and asked about it during every session.  Finally, as I was able to dig out from my work madness at the beginning of November, I began to fan the spark that started this whole project in the first place.  I realized that I had unwittingly started or completed several items already…and this gave me momentum.

It is now November 13.  Seven weeks have passed, and there is nothing I can do to get them back.  I can however begin now, today and make this list come to life.  Item number 39 on the list was “Keep a Journal”.  I know myself well enough to know that I am not going to hand write in a journal every evening before I go to bed or anything like that.  Then I remembered this blog site, long ignored abandoned.

I began to wonder if I should re-work this site, and create a new direction.  Eliminate the Jackie tie in and start fresh.  But then I started thinking…how much of Jackie’s incredible life happened AFTER she turned 39?  I have never claimed to be an expert on Jackie, and I don’t intent to become one.  So, I did what anyone would do.  I googled it.  Turns out, Jackie was 39 year old the year she married Ari Onassis.  Not only that, but after Ari died in 1975, she began an entirely new career in publishing, at age 46.
With this information at hand, I was feeling a renewed sense of excitement, and not just about this project, but about the next chapter of my life.  It seems to me that My Life with Jackie is just starting the next phase.  And it is starting with 40 things I want to do before I turn 40.  I hope my journey is inspiring and that someone actually reads it.  If not, it will be enough for me to be able to look back on it myself in another ten years and reflect on how far I’ve come, yet again.

  1.  Lose 40 pounds
  2.  Plant a tree
  3. Shoot a gun
  4. Pay for someone’s groceries
  5. Save $5,000
  6. Learn to use a sewing machine
  7. Have professional photos taken
  8. Plant a garden (flower or herb/veg)
  9. Give up fast food for 1 month
  10. Release a floating lantern
  11. Run a 5k
  12. Buy a holiday gift for a homeless person
  13. Volunteer – Library?  Reading Initiative?
  14. Read a “Classic”
  15. Spend a whole day with my Grandma
  16. See the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
  17. Finish a craft project
  18. Watch baby turtles hatch
  19. Pay off credit card debt
  20. Go fishing with my dad
  21. Get a good haircut and color
  22. Do a Float Tank
  23. Go to the Ballet / Opera / Symphony
  24. Skinny Dip
  25. Participate in a Bible study
  26. Rent a fancy car for a drive along a coast line OR for a night on the town
  27. Sleep out under the stars
  28. Try a new church
  29. Cook (and eat!) a fish dinner
  30. Keep an orchid or violet alive
  31. Donate to Toys for Tots
  32. Rent a boat for a day
  33. Go on a picnic
  34. Give up TV for one month – INCLUDING Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.
  35. Ride a Bike
  36. Play in the snow
  37. Take Zeke to the science center or a museum
  38. Take Murphy to the dog park
  39. Keep a journal
  40. Spend a day shopping for antiques / flea market