Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"One stitch."

While I don't really ever go to the movies, the movies I do see stick with me for awhile.  This explains why when I weighed in this week at WW, all I could hear was the ER doctor in Adventures in Babysitting telling Brad he only needed "One stitch" in his foot after he was stabbed by the gang dude.  You have to hear it.  I lost one pound.  One lonely, solitary little pound.  BUT - I am not upset by this.  As a friend pointed out to me..a loss is a loss.

I can't even really complain, because it's not like I was starving all week.  I had a few drinks on the 3rd.  And the 4th.  And the 5th.  I went out to eat several times.  I did not exercise.  All in all, a pound is actually pretty lucky.  I tracked MOST of my points, but wasn't a fanatic about it.  I did however make it the whole week (and then some) without ordering a pizza.  Can I get a hell yeah?!?!?

This week has been going better.  I discovered I like Trader Joe's Kalamata Olive hummus.  I have packed my lunch two days in a row.  I cooked Thai food last night, and even put vegetables in it!

I've still got my head in the game, so that is the good news.  10 pounds to go till I reach my 1st goal!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Journey Begins. Again.

I'm three days in to my latest attempt at Weight Watchers.  I had been down to the lowest weight I'd been in 10 years back in December.  Christmas was...well Christmas was not what I expected.  I got sick with the flu for New Year's...and just basically lost my mojo.  So now, six months later I've gained it all back.  The good news is, it took me two months to loose it, and six to gain it back.  So in theory, if I can go at this hard core for the rest of the year, I should be ahead of the game.  That said, I'm not focusing on six months from now.  I'm not focusing on one month from now.  I have to basically focus on this week. This day.

In a world where I have no control over 90% of the things in my life...I can control this.  It's not fun, so I'm trying to make it fun.  I'm doing all that shit kids do when they are dreaming about the future.  Cutting (printing) out pictures of outfits I love and sticking them all over the house.  Taping motivational sayings to the food inside my fridge.  I guess I am going to have to do it old school, at least in the beginning while things are the hardest.

People say that journaling about this kind of thing can help keep it interesting and provide a place to go back to later when you are struggling for refreshed motivation.  I thought about just writing in a notebook, but the reality is that I will probably never do that, or if I did, it wouldn't be all cute like the ones on Pinterest.  So we'll start here and see how it goes.

So far this week I've eaten salad twice.  That's a big improvement!  Tonight is grilled chicken.  Tomorrow I am having dinner with a good friend who has recently become a vegetarian.  She is cooking up something for us, and I've promised to try it out and be open minded. I have to broaden my horizons!

So that's all for now.  Stay tuned for more.  Maybe I will get crazy and start posting pictures of inspirational outfits and motivational sayings on here too.  Fun!